Grade A Fuckery

Lil' Creole Pimp Filed Under: Tags:

Vicious little monsters. I'm not sure what time mark it was said, but it kilt me a little. Just a little video-graphical fuckery to hold over the readership, because I can sense y'all fiending for updates. Be sure to play close attention to the Gaga impersonator. The nuances of her performance defines what kinda dream this is.

2 Responses to "Grade A Fuckery"

  1. dylansmith1984 Says:
  2. D-E-A-D
  3. Rissa can make an excuse for anything! Says:
  4. Buahaha! I love this!
    The first time I saw it I watched it at least five times. Candy Slice is a have to watch some of their other videos.