I Wanna Be One Less

Lil' Creole Pimp Filed Under: Tags:

You must reach the 2:10 mark. You CAN'T fast forward. You have to watch it all the way through to get the full effect of this video. Get past the spoken word. Get past the sticky bun hairpiece. Get past the Rihanna singing "Hero" at the talent show vocals. Get past the Master Splinter face. Get past the fact that she's a baby chile. JUST PLEASE watch it all the way through!

11 Responses to "I Wanna Be One Less"

  1. M.J. Says:
  2. I don't understand...

    the dirty bathroom...

    the high note...

    Somebody call Jheri Curl Jesus.
  3. Kristiebass Says:
  4. Did somebody tell the girl to shut up in the background?! Death. Death I tell you!
  5. Alex Says:
  6. This gave me Death, then handed me Life, then took it away. She REALLY thought she was doing something, tryna hold out that note... & when the person said shut up... -makes my exit.- Jesus, PLEASE take the wheel & revoke my license.
  7. tuhotgirl Says:
  8. i was dying a slow death and was revived at the 2:10 mark. praise be the glory.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. *writing this from my walmart coffin*....i didnt think that was the last thing i was going to see and listen too
  11. Rissa can make an excuse for anything! Says:
  12. Thoughts while watching:
    "I live in America." Oh, word? Me too!

    Is she laughing when she puts her head down the way that I am right now?

    "Shut up!" "Yes." .....................................

    What all have you gone through at 13? If you got something to record a YouTube video in a bathroom that appears to be clean I'm thinkin' you're doing alright.

  13. Geeked Out Graphics Says:
  14. hahahahaha .... she been listening to Kiki too long.
  15. Claudia Says:
  16. DYING right now. Did anyone else notice shes rocking only one "i got these big ass cubic zirconia's at claires for $.39" earring? where'd the left one go? haha

    "SHUT UP!"


    DEAD right now lol
  17. Caress Lepore Says:
  18. Whoever yelled for her to shut up made me catch the holy ghost
  19. Anonymous Says:

    The spoofs are funny. I'm breathing. I'm still fat
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. *Dead*

    Whoever yelled out "Shut up" in the background snatched the life right out of me!
