Creole Dynamics

Lil' Creole Pimp Filed Under: Tags: ,

Slap me for thinking they'd be a Kwanza fam this year. Fuck what ya heard, my fam ain't this cruel. Ya see how Kimora is all dolled up and the baby is all precious while the kids look like slightly tragic. Slighty. Pokemon Dijimon Monsoon is a buster for putting that holiday Cosby sweater on.

Props to Q of Madbloggers. His idea for a remake of THREE'S COMPANY looks promising to me, too.

4 Responses to "Creole Dynamics"

  1. Quick Says:
  2. Dijimon all hugged up with Aoki just telling Russell he’s been moved to the left. This is some hurtful shit to get in the mail–
  3. MJ Says:
  4. This pic is something out of Family Matters. All they need is Estelle Winslow playing piano.
  5. Lil' Creole Pimp Says:
  6. Thanks MJ. My soul hurts.
  7. Rissa can make an excuse for anything! Says:
  8. Hole up...they got the chile on there with ashy knees?
    They ain't even right for this.