Message From The Management

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Readers looka here,

Every now and then you come across something that ain't major...but still. Ain't this some shit?

If you're drawing blanks: I was on Formspring doing what I do. Answering questions and pissing people off. One COMMENTER told me that if one Google Image searched the term "fuckery" a pic from LCP's Comic Fuckery staple was the first entry shown. This was kinda something I didn't believe unless I could see it. And I'll be damn. The infamous "Ashanti's voice terrorizes all" pic is the de facto image of fuckery. Hold your applause. (The term "comic fuckery" could get picked up by a fuckery search, but still...)

If you like mushy shit: This is kind of an honor. I don't know how Google works, but I always that of it like this: The most relevant or most searched items were closest to number one and if that's true then... wow. I always figured Google Image search would retrieve these three things instead: 1) Amy Winehouse since she kinda made the word. 2) A pic of some next level crazy shit with the url "" watermark plastered across it. 3) Something pertaining to Lil' Mama's jaw line. Kinda surprising that my dumb joke is actually something to somebody. Makes a blogger's day.

If you're looking for new content: I want to update everyday at least twice this week since it's the last week of the year. If enough new fuckery is afoot then it looks mighty promising. If not, I'll force myself to do one of those recap lists or something. I will try not to let y'all down.

In the name of Julez we trust, let the blog say YEAH!

If anybody reading knows how to tweak blog layouts, XML CSS and that shit, please get at me on Twitter.

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