And Now A Message From Our Sponsors....

Lil' Creole Pimp Filed Under: Tags:

Is yo' favorite rapper a fake? Is they pumpfaking? Did they get a nursing degree? Did they push drugs inside the pen before they clocked in and open and close cells for the man?

Are you tired of these fugazzi ass niggas?


Including the The Little Creole Pimp Formerly Known As Baby Daniel's version to "A Milli"...

A millionaire
I'm that Dereon millionaire
With the soft Creolian hair
My granny so unfair, she'll beat my ass anywhere
I shank anyone I please... Lil' Rock tryna creep on my steez
Don't waste my time 'cause I won't hesitate to blow ya mind
Shank 'em or shoot 'em? There is a thin line
All my seconds and big faces go to the almighty dollar
And the almighty Power of Celestine & Matty
LaTavia, LaToya, LaKelly & other lames hoes
You'll get nowhere in this biz without the last name Knowles
Tell Ashanti ha-ha-ha-ha
Nelly won't let you see plat'num
He go by Uncle Joe's rules
So why the fuck did you get at 'em
You need to boss up ya status
Or at least switch to acting
Or marry a Creole... but I ain't tryna get atcha


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